Episode 110

How important are volunteers in conservation? Rhoda Ludford - Volunteering Development Consultant with the RSPB

How important are volunteers in conservation? 

What are the different types of work you can do as a volunteer, and how can it benefit your career? 

We answer these and many more questions in discussion with today’s guest Rhoda Ludford. 

Rhoda is the Volunteering Development Consultant with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - Europe’s largest wildlife conservation organisation with over 2,000 staff, 10,000 volunteers and 1 million members. 

Rhoda has worked for the RSPB for 22 years, mostly in volunteering development and have recently moved into species recovery where she is responsible for a project that develops and manages volunteer teams doing species recovery work across the UK. 

In today’s chat, she shares her experiences of working for the RSPB, her career path and also advice about how to connect with and make the most out of their volunteer opportunities. 

It’s a wide-ranging, volunteer-actioning, species-conserving chat. 



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Conservation Careers Podcast
Uncover what it's like to work in wildlife conservation.

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